Get ready for the Solar Eclipse! How exciting this is!
If you are planning on teaching about the solar eclipse in your classroom, this Solar Eclipse Flip Flap Book® will be a perfect supplement to your lessons, observations, experiments, and research!
This resource ONLY USES 8 1/2 x 11 REGULAR COPY PAPER!
In this Solar Eclipse Flip Flap Book® the students will:
- define a solar eclipse
- define & illustrate important vocabulary: solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, umbra, penumbra, corona, and totality
- describe the difference between a partial eclipse and a total eclipse
- draw the path of totality on a US Map and define what the pat of totality is
- {2 OPTIONS} Draw a diagram showing what happens during a solar eclipse and label the digagram (boy and girl pages given)
- LABEL the diagram with the sun, moon, earth, penumbra, and umbra and explain what CAUSES a solar eclipse. (boy and girl pages given)