Get ready to have your students think and write about the classroom rules and school rules during your first week of school! Who said Learning the Rules can't be F.U.N.! Add in this School Rules FLIP FLIP BOOK® and they will have a ball learning and writing about the rules!
We have now added Google Slide activities to accompany each unit. You can click on the Google Slides link, make a copy, and now begin using it with your students. You can add the Google Slide links to Google Classroom, via email, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw, etc. This will give you the ability to provide the unit activities digitally to your students.
Included in this unit is:
- 1 S-C-H-O-O-L Rules Flip Flap Book® - The students will have the opportunity to write about the classroom rules, respect, and being a buddy!
They will:
- write WHY they must follow school rules
- Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! - the students will write an example of something a buddy would do and something a bully would do
- they will draw and write two ways to show Respect!
- they will create a chart about what good choices and bad choices are within the classroom
- They will write and illustrate four of the classroom rules/procedures.
Please Note: This unit requires 8 1/2 x 11 AND 8 1/2 x 14 copy paper!Try something NEW, DIFFERENT, and FRESH with your students. You can be sure they will have a blast showing their knowledge in a fun and interactive way!