These Math Interactive Notebook Mini Flip Flap Books® are PERFECT for assessing your students knowledge base at the end of your math unit.
We have now added Google Slide activities to accompany each unit. You can click on the Google Slides link, make a copy, and now begin using it with your students. You can add the Google Slide links to Google Classroom, via email, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw, etc. This will give you the ability to provide the unit activities digitally to your students.
This resource includes 10 Math Mini Flip Flap Books® for your Interactive Notebooks. These Mini Flip Flap Books® fit into a spiral notebook or a black and white composition notebook!
These resources will work perfectly as a culminating activity to your unit of study, used as an authentic assessment, for interactive homework activities, or to differentiate your instruction within math groups!
Topics and skills included:
- Addition
- single digit addition
- double-digit addition with regrouping
- triple-digit addition with regrouping
- single and multi-step word problems
- write your own addition story problem
- Subtraction
- define what subtraction is
- single-digit and double-digit subtraction with regrouping
- triple-digit subtraction with regrouping
- single and multi-step word problems
- write your own subtraction story problem
- Place Value
- number words
- comparing numbers with place value blocks
- one more, one less
- ten more ten less
- 100 more
- 100 less
- standard form
- word form
- expanded form
- number patterns forward and backward
- counting on by tens
- hundreds
- Measurement
- why is measurement important
- vocabulary
- customary measurement
- metric measurement
- measuring objects around the classroom using inches OR centimeters
- Time
- what do you know about clocks, a.m. and p.m.
- reading analog clocks
- writing digital times
- drawing analog clock hands
- timeline of my day
- Money
- value of coins
- counting coins
- show ways to make 50 cents $1.00
- money word problems and multi-step money word problems
- Fractions
- label the parts of a fraction
- create equal parts and explain
- writing fractions
- shading shapes for fractions
- fraction word problems
- multi-step fraction word problems, writing word problems
- 3rd Grade - fraction number lines, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions using fraction bars
- Geometry
- shapes acrostic poems describing plane/solid shapes
- attributes of plane and sold shapes
- draw real life objects with specific sold shape attributes
- draw plane shapes on geoboard and label the attributes
- Multiplication
- label the parts of a multiplication equation
- creating equal groups
- writing equations and repeated addition equations for equal groups
- what are arrays
- create arrays
- word problems
- create two multiplication word problems and draw an array to match
- Division
- label the parts of a division equation
- draw total number of objects in equal groups and solve
- write and solve
- solve division equations and write related multiplication fact
- solve division word problems