This Abbreviations Teach-Its® unit includes a rigorous, fun, and engaging lesson to help you teach this difficult skill to your students.
This unit includes:
☞ a Scripted Standards-Based Lesson Plan that includes Learning Targets, Materials, Standards, and a scripted lesson plan to help you effectively teach about what abbreviations are and how abbreviations are made and used
☞ a Whole Group Active Engagement Activity to engage and excite your students to help them learn about abbreviations. You will engage your students with a poem (written by myself, Anna DiGilio) about Abbreviations. It will help you introduce the concept of abbreviations. You can write the poem on chart paper and do a shared reading of the poem while the students sit on the carpet or you can use it on your smartboard and share a copy with your students for their notebooks.
You will create a chart of abbreviations together as a brainstorming session with the students.
☞ a Guided Practice Activity where the students will play a game of Abbreviations Go Fish, with a group of 4-5 students where students will ask their group members if they have the match for the word and/or abbreviation
☞ an Independent Practice Activity where the students will complete and interactive notebook page where they will write a word, the corresponding abbreviation and under the flaps, write a sentence using the corresponding abbreviation
********PLEASE NOTE: This resource is part of my GRAMMAR TEACH-ITS® MEGA BUNDLE! Do not purchase this if you own my Grammar Teach-Its®.