Learning about Farms using this Farms Flip Flap Book® will be tons of fun! Are your students ready to learn about the FARM? If so, look no further! This resource is all you need for your students to walk away from your farm unit full of knowledge AND you will have an ADORABLE bulletin board display to boot!
We have now added Google Slide activities to accompany each unit. You can click on the Google Slides link, make a copy, and now begin using it with your students. You can add the Google Slide links to Google Classroom, via email, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw, etc. This will give you the ability to provide the unit activities digitally to your students.
Included in this unit is:
1 On the F-A-RM Flip Flap Book® - The students will have the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned about farms and farm animals in this flip flap book™.
They will:
- complete a Farms - Have and Are graphic organizer
- write three different types of farms
- research different farm animals and complete a graphic organizer for each animal {These pages are optional. You can use all of them or just one of them, that is your choice}
- OPINION WRITING - Students will complete a graphic organizer on their opinion of which farm animal is the most important and then write an opinion paragraph using their graphic organizer {this activity is OPTIONAL}
- EXPOSITORY PARAGRAPH WRITING - This page the students will use one of their animals they researched and write a paragraph about that animal. - CREATE-a-Map - the students will DESIGN their own map of a farm. They must create 7 objects/places for the map key, design and draw their map. {This page is OPTIONAL}
Please Note: This unit requires 8 1/2 x 11 paper ONLY!
Try something NEW, DIFFERENT, and FRESH with your students. You can be sure they will have a blast showing their knowledge in a fun and interactive way!