This Radical Reindeer Mathematicians Mystery Number Problem Solving Resource will give your kiddos a RADICAL time by challenging their brains and number sense skills to solve each task card.
This resource includes:
- 24 Reindeer Mystery Number Clues Task Cards - These Mystery Number Task Cards use the concepts of Greater Than, Less Than, equal to, odd, even, 10 more, 10 less, sums of digits and differences of digits to help students solve for the Mystery Number. Task Card #23 and #24 will challenge your students even further by using numbers greater than 100.
- 3 Chevron print 100's Charts
- 2 Recording Sheets
- 2 Answer Keys
These Reindeer Mystery Number Task Cards can be used in your Math Center, during Guided Math Groups, or can be used for a cooperative learning group where the students problem solve each task card together to figure out the answer.