Making Words during your guided reading groups, allows students to truly practice and master specific skills that enhance a student's phonemic awareness, phonics skills, and spelling skills, which ultimately affects their reading abilities!
We have now added Google Slide activities to accompany each activity in this unit. You can click on the Google Slides link, make a copy, and now begin using it with your students. You can add the Google Slide links to Google Classroom, via email, Microsoft Teams, and Seesaw, etc. This will give you the ability to provide the book activities digitally to your students.
Within this unit, the students will:
* practice manipulating letters and phonemes in words to create new words
* practice their auditory listening skills (as all teacher prompts are given orally)
* manipulating letters and phonemes in words to create new words
* use blending strategies to blend phonemes together
* utilize segmentation to focus on individual phonemes in words
* write the words they make within their student booklet
* create sentences using two words they created
* illustrate two words they created
* utilize fine motor skills when cutting out the letters and manipulating the letters to create words
The following phonics sounds/patterns are included:
(Also included is a CLICKABLE Table of Contents to easily find the skill you need.)
☞ Blends & Digraphs * scr, thr, str * fl, br, bl * sk, sn sw, fr * dr, sc, gl, bl * tr, gr, cr * sl, pl, sp * cl, st, sm * wh, th, ch, sh * tw, sk, pr * th, ch, sh * gh, ph * ng, ck
☞ Long Vowels * a, ai, ay * ai, ay, ei * e, ea, ee, y * e, y * ie, ight, igh, y * oa, o, oe * oe, oa, ow * oo, u * ue, ew, ui, oo
☞ R-Controlled Vowels * ar * ir, or * or * ur * ar, er, ur, or, ir
☞ Vowel Digraphs & Dipthongs * ou, ow * oy, oi * au, aw * ough, ought, aught, alk
☞ Special Sounds & Silent Letters * mb, wr * kn, gn * final syllable -LE
☞ Long Vowels - Magic E * ake, ace * ote, ime, ide, ope * ike, ice, ine, ile, oke * ule, ude, une, ube, ute * Magic E Review